Periyalwar is a Great Scholar of the Pandya Dynasty who follows Sri Vaishnava Philosophy and Periyalvar is also one of the twelve Alwars. Periyalvar is also called Vishnuchitha this shows the level of devotion that He has to Lord Vishnu. Periyalwar is the father of Andal also father-in-law of Srirangnatha Perumal of Srirangam Temple,
Avatar of Periyalvar...

Periyalvar incarnated in the form of Garudalvar as the son of Mukundacharya - Padmavalli Ammaiyar on the 9th day of the month of Ani in the year of Kurodana, on a good day with Swati Nakshatra and Ekadasi Tithi.
Periyalvar did not want to please the Lord with the Vedas...instead, he satisfied the Lord with his soulful charity. As a result, he installed Narayana as Parambhata in the Pandyan congregation and built a temple in Williputhur to the amazement of all.....It seems that mother Bhumi Devi who felt his pride gave him the desire to grow up as his she grew up as his daughter for some time with the name Andal and reached the arena...and she raised his pride.
BhatterPiran wons Golden Coins….

Once upon a time, Vallabhadeva Pandyan who came to Madurai had a doubt...Hearing the words of an Anthana and hearing the words of an Asthana, as if someone is a divine object for heavenly blessings....many scholars were gathered and the discussion continued...the doubt was not it is for one who ties a golden knot as a posture and gives the correct solution—established to bend and fit into his arms.
In the meantime, Sriman Narayan appeared in Periyazwar's dream and rushed to remove the king's doubt, Vishnu Chitra... There, Narayana himself was explained by the Puranic Vedas as Parambhata... Immediately a question flowed towards Vishnu Chitra... What is the way to live without suffering in the hereafter?
Immediately ....the good and evil of this birth can be continued as another he explained that the only solution is to submit the good and bad karmas that we do to that Lord Arang, Immediately the golden ball bent and fell in Periyalvar's hands...They were astonished and the king rejoiced with all his entourage. He asked Villiputhurar to go with the elephant. To see the victorious Vishnu Chitra, Lord Thiruvulam showed himself as Garudarudan with Devi.
In the joy of seeing his lord, Vishnu was afraid that he would be mesmerized by his beauty and shed tears, so he protected him with the triupallandu pasuram, which is why he got the name Periyalvar and made him proud.

And he mounted him on an elephant and made him come to Nagarvalam, while Tirumal appeared in the sky sitting on Garuda. Vishnuchitha became Periyazwar because he saw the Lord himself and sings as...
Pallaandu Pallaandu Pallaayiraththaandu PalakodinooRaayiram Mallaandathinthol Manivannaa! Unsevvadi Sevvithirukkaappu. Adiyomodumn InnOdum Pirivinri Aayirampallaandu Vadivaayn Invalamaarbinil Vaazhkinra Mangaiyum Pallaandu Vadivaar Sothivalaththuraiyum Sudaraazhiyum Pallaandu Padaipor Pukkumuzhangum Appaanchasanniyamum Pallaande.
Period of Periyalwar :

During his lifetime, he did not sing about secular Jainism and Buddhism, his religion was based on SriVaishnaivism. The Guruparampara mentions a Pandya king named Srivallaphadeva. But Periyalvar in his pasuram He sings "Ko Nedumaran". Sambandhar's contemporary "Ninnasir Nedumaran" belonged to Saivism. Still, his son Parannaka Nedunjadayan was Parama Sri Vaishnava, so his period was the Periyalvar period, i.e. eighth century, and many people generally accepted this opinion.
Periyalwar Pasurams:

The first of the two Prapandhas blessed by Periyazwar is "Thirupalandu". It has twelve verses. Each begins with "Palalnu Peralal". The Vaishnava tradition calls the long-term chanting Mangalasasana. Treating Kannan as a child, Periyalvar has sung a lot of Pasuram in Pillaithamil style. Even today in our homes, the crow is called to play to soothe the crying child. "Bring Ink to the Eye, Crow" Elders used to sing playfully "Kakaye mudivara seepu koonva" which was also sung by Periyalvar 1200 years ago, to see some of the best songs of Periyalvar.
Sri Periyalvar Thiruvadigale Saranam:
Sri Mathe Ramanujaya Namaha:
Jai Sriman Narayana: